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精油使用於芳療領域 故成為許多人求療選項之一

精油有療效作用嗎? 是有的! 如同吃藥一樣

一旦精油成為藥用法時, 開藥方者必須受醫學院訓練, 如同正統醫學訓練

因此在這樣的規範下, 芳療師的道德界限標準極為重要

當妳的客人告知妳他/她有什麼什麼症狀 詢問哪種精油有用可舒緩或治癒時

身為一個芳療師, 在協助客人的問題之前, 應遵守以下規範 (from NAHA)

1.1 Demonstrate commitment to provide the highest quality aromatherapy service to those who seek their professional service


1.2 Conduct myself in a professional and ethical manner in relation to my clients, fellow aromatherapists & colleagues and the general public so as to comply with the highest standards of moral behavior & integrity and to uphold the dignity and status of my profession under all circumstances.

在任何情況下實行個人芳療專業時, 遵守道德行為以及誠信為最高原則

1.3 Share professional knowledge, research, and experiences with fellow aromatherapists and colleagues to support the advancement of aromatherapy.

為了促進芳療專業知識, 與芳療同好分享芳療專業知識/研究/經驗

1.4 Treat clients in accordance with holistic principles (Recommend treatment based upon the specific needs of the client.) and render professional services for no other purposes than the total well being of my clients.

對客人進行芳療時應以整體療癒理論為基礎, 必要時, 為了客人整體健康考量,應建議其他專業醫療諮詢

1.5 Educate clients in the quality and availability of true aromatherapy products and services.

1.6 Refrain from engaging in any sexual conduct or sexual activities involving clients.

1.7 Recognize that my primary obligation is always to the client and agree to practice Aromatherapy to the best of my ability for my client's benefit. My client's comfort, welfare and health must always have priority.

1.8 Provide clients with informed consent/disclosure statement and information that includes training, certification, scope of practice, payment structure, benefits, limitations and expectations of both the practitioner and client.

1.9 Endeavor to serve the best interests of my clients at all times by providing the highest quality of service and I shall undertake continuing education and improve upon my Aromatherapy skills and professional standards whenever possible.

1.10 Provide services within the scope and the limits of my training. I will not employ techniques for which I have not had adequate training and shall represent my education, training, qualifications and abilities honestly. I shall acknowledge the limitations of my skills and when necessary, refer clients to the appropriate qualified professionals.

1.11 Not diagnose, prescribe or provide any service, which requires a license to practice unless specifically licensed to do.

1.12 Maintain client confidentiality and not divulge to anyone the findings I acquire during consultation, or in the course of professional recommendations, without my clients consent except when required by law.

1.13 Support other Consultants at all time and shall never criticize, condemn or otherwise denigrate other Consultants in the presence of a client or other lay persons.

1.14 Respect the rights of other healthcare professionals and aromatherapists and will cooperate with all health care professionals in a friendly and professional manner.

1.15 Where another Consultant refers a client to me, I shall return such clients to the original Consultant when the specified recommendation is completed. I will not denigrate another Consultants recommendations.

1.16 Not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of Aromatherapy and shall actively participate in educating the public regarding the actual benefits of True Aromatherapy.

1.17 Not give guarantees regarding the results of any recommendations, nor exploit a client for financial gain through inferences or misrepresentation of any sort.

1.18 Practice honesty in advertising, promote my services ethically and in good taste, and practice and or advertise only those skills for which I have received adequate training or certification.

1.19 Maintain my premises in a hygienic condition, and ensure that my premises offer my Clients sufficient privacy.

1.20 Maintain complete records of each Client, including specific details of my recommendations.

1.21 Refrain from the use of any mind-altering drugs, alcohol, or intoxicants prior to or during a professional Aromatherapy consultation or while representing the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy.

1.22 Dress in a professional manner, proper dress being defined as the attire suitable and consistent with accepted professional practice.

1.23 Represent a united front to the public and refrain from criticism of colleagues either in writing or verbally before clients or the general public.

1.24 Shall, upon being found to have transgressed any of the By-laws of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy and/or this Code of Ethics voluntarily surrender and return my membership certificate to the Association.

我們學習了精油很多功效/功能/作用 卻忽略了最重要的芳療道德標準





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